What is SOUJI?

enters in the category of ecological products according to the EU regulations,
as declared by the auditor of Applus +. LGAI Certificate.

Why is SOUJI innovative?

The method of making
soap from used oils is very old, the majority of the soaps are made in this
way. It deals with a chemical reaction called saponification, the difference is
that the traditional method involves a long and hazardous process that takes
time, care and previous knowledge.

Why is SOUJI innovative?

The method of making
soap from used oils is very old, the majority of the soaps are made in this
way. It deals with a chemical reaction called saponification, the difference is
that the traditional method involves a long and hazardous process that takes
time, care and previous knowledge.

SOUJI originated
after three years of R&D and its innovation is rooted in the way of doing

Without corrosive or toxic agents, it does NOT
contain caustic soda.

In just one minute, its result is practically
immediate, without resting times.

Very easy, you only have to mix, shake and it’s ready.
Anyone can do it without any previous knowledge.

When cold, it does not need any external heat
source, just intense shaking.

The innovation is in
the saponification method of the oil and it has three patents that recognise it
as being unique in the world.

¿Porque debo recicla mi aceite usado?

El aceite usado es un de los agentes contaminantes más grandes del planeta. Si no desechamos de manera correcta nuestros residuo, podemos ocasionar graves catástrofes.

Al tirarlo por el alcantarillado, provoca el 90% de los atascos de tuberías, con el alto coste que esto supone, además la depuración de aguas incrementa 700 veces su coste, cuando hay aceite presente.

Y al caer a nuestros recursos hídricos crea una capa superficial que impide la entrada de oxígeno contaminado el agua y matando a todo el ecosistema que tenga alrededor.

Si lo tiramos a la basura y llega a vertedero, acaba cayendo a la tierra penetrando en ella, lo que provoca la contaminación del suelo y la alteración del entorno.

Solo en España se generan más de 150 mill. de toneladas de residuo de aceite y solo se recicla el 10% de esta cantidad.

Además, los sistemas de gestión actual, se destinan principalmente a la fabricación de Biodiesel, lo que supone altos costes de transporte, tiempo, energía y manipulación.

Con SOUJI puedes evitar todo este impacto en solo 1 minuto y con solo 1 producto. Reduciendo además, el impacto de los detergentes comunes y los envases tradicionales.

When you mix SOUJI with oil, why does this oil no longer pollute?

By transforming the
oil with SOUJI into a multiuse cleaner, the oil molecules are transformed
chemically, and become a type of saline solution, which, upon falling into the
environment, are dissolved, impeding the creation of the surface layer that oil
by itself generates. In addition, by not containing toxic products and a
minimal concentration of phosphates, it no longer pollutes or alters the

What is saponification?

Saponification is chemical process in which the
triglycerides (the molecules that compose the oils) react with a strong base,
such as caustic soda, resulting in the formation of soap and glycerine. In our
case, SOUJI substitutes the hazardous nature and contradictions of caustic
soda, obtaining the same results but without risks, without time, and without adding
external heat.

Is Souji ecological?

Yes, SOUJI is in the category of ecological products according to the EU regulations, as declared by the auditor of Applus +. LGAI Certificate. Its concentration of phosphates is so low that it is completely sustainable in the environment. The resulting cleaner is 96% less polluting than a common detergent, according to a Leitat comparative study. And its containers are designed to foster their reutilisation with the 5-L refillable container and minimising in this way the use of plastic containers. The bottle is 100% recycled and 100% recyclable and completely reusable.

Is the resulting soap natural?

SOUJI’s composition
has the lowest concentration of phosphates and surfactants permitted by the EU
to be considered by the Institute of Toxicology of Spain as NON-polluting and
VERY biodegradable for the marine environment. This makes it an environmentally sustainable cleaner / detergent with an impact 96% less than a common

In addition, its range of containers is designed to produce the least possible environmental

Does Souji contain Caustic Soda?

No, SOUJI is a revolutionary formula that does not use caustic soda, unlike the majority of the “DIY” soap processes. The main innovation of SOUJI is precisely this: by not containing caustic soda, or any corrosive agent, its handling is completely safe and practically instantaneous. Furthermore, it is less polluting than the soaps made with soda, since in the traditional process, most times, the soda does not react 100%, falling to the environment and provoking a great impact.

How much oil do I recycle with each container of SOUJI?

That depends on the container and format that you choose. In the bottle, 200 ml ofused oil can be recycled and with the 5-L format, a total of 1.6 L of used oil. You can make the mixture little by little as needed.

With Souji, is it necessary to continue using fabric softener?

The soap resulting with SOUJI has a pleasant aroma and leave the clothing soft and with a great odour. The use of softener is optional and depends on the hardness of the water in your area. 

What does SOUJI smell like? Are my clothes and house going to smell likeused oil?

We worked very hard on the subject of SOUJI’s aroma. Currently it contains a perfume without allergens with a fresh and floral aroma, which manages to kill the odour of used oil, leaving your clothing with a very pleasant smell. Even so, we continue researching and working on this subject to be able to offer later on a more varied range of aromas and different results.

How can I sell souji in my shop?

In order
to be part of our family of distributors you simply have to click here (WHOLESALE),in order to go to the page where we offer you different ways to do it.  

Can I wash all types of clothing with Souji? 

Save yourself time and trouble with SOUJI. It works as a detergent without toxic substances, we do not have any type of pictogram and it is respectful with the most sensitive clothing and skin.

What texture does souji have?

SOUJI is a liquid and creamy product, just like the resulting cleaner which has a cream colour and a creamy texture.